What does that mean? Food, too many things to do and not enough time to do it in. And unfortunately that can be the downfall to a healthy lifestyle. This year I want to make a pledge....I will continue to make health-ful eating part of my life and I'm going to keep up with activity during this hectic 6 weeks. It's only 6 weeks people, but how do we lose it so damn bad in 6 weeks?
My main goal during the holiday season is to not end up with the "bloated-unbutton my pants-someone kill me if I move" feeling during the special occasions. I have learned to understand my body's signals as far as starving-hunger-not so hungry-full-immagonnadie modes. This has served me well over the course of the years because I don't want to feel the pain. It's kind of like eating fast food. McDonald's sounds good except now every time I eat it my body wants to stab me from the inside out, pretty good incentive to stay away from it, right? That's what I thought :-).
The other thing is time, people get so wrapped up in shopping, decorating, cards, etc... that they forget what the season has come to mean. For each of us, our religious (or not) bent is a different "reason for the season" and all. But in western culture, whether you're Christian, Jew, Pagan, atheist, humanist, etc..., the season means spending time with friends and family, swapping gifts to show your appreciation for each other. It doesn't mean let me use all my time spending money on things I don't need or can't afford (I know there are many things out there that have me in these categories...). And because we're so concerned with the gifts we buy we forget to be kind to ourselves in the meantime.
This season make sure to give yourself a gift, the time and respect you deserve to keep yourself healthy. Don't wait 6 weeks from now to form a "resolution" because 6 weeks from now isn't good enough. You deserve better, we all do. We deserve to do the things for our physical, emotional, and mental well-being right now and always. Too often we forget ourselves in the shuffle of making everyone else ok, making sure everyone else is happy. For once screw everyone else and make yourself happy.
Letting 6 weeks just slide by without being an active participant is in no way good for us. Life happens and whether we're part of it or it happens to us depends entirely on us. Are you going to end 2011 miserable, depressed, up a clothing size or two (it can happen in 6 weeks!), less financially stable, and just an all-around "hot mess" (to borrow a phrase from The Riverton Cooper Clan)? Or are you going to stand up and tell yourself you deserve better and you're going to start making those changes now? And guess what, if you can start making little changes in these 6 weeks, you can survive anything. Focusing on yourself and your well-being is never easy in the holidays, so if you start now you'll end up all the better for it.
Let's make a small deal to help get you started, tomorrow is the US "stuff your face" day also known as Thanksgiving. Take some time to go for a walk (or a run) outside, in the spirit of the day think of a few things you are thankful for while you're enjoying the fresh air. We all have reasons to be thankful, having an attitude of gratitude (I swear I heard that somewhere) makes us happier in the long run. Remember thankful people are happy people. Knowing that our situation can always be worse puts us in a better mood and helps us cope with things that ordinarily would derail us. Research has shown that fresh air and positive thinking help people stay healthy, so 15 minutes while the turkey is in the oven is all you need to start ending 2011 on a better note. I promise to do the same thing :-)
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