Saturday, June 4, 2011

Streak is still going strong

I thought that this was going to be a bad week.  I was really bad at tracking as soon as I got home, I was going through the whole "PMS let-me-eat-everything-in-sight" the past couple of days with very little exercise.  I ran on Monday and then felt like I was catching the cold that's been going around so I took it easy until last night where I zumbathon'd with Gina for an hour and a half.  But I still came out a loser on the scale today, so I guess I didn't do too bad for myself this week.  I think I'm starting to reach my groove again.  I'm back in the mind-set of still just practicing prudence and balance in my habits.  It's written in my sub-conscience what I can/can't do, I'm paying attention to my hunger signals again and realizing when I wander into the kitchen because I'm bored, not because I'm actually hungry.  I'm regaining ground that I had lost over the past couple of years and it feels good to be heading back in the right direction.

One thing that's tripping me up right now is my back.  I don't know if I've been pushing it too hard since I've gotten back on track or if I need to have it looked at again since I haven't done anything with it since the injury 12 years ago.  My mom brought up the possibility of arthritis setting in due to the injury and family history...not even 30 and arthritis...*sigh*.  Somedays it feels awesome, I've been working on strengthening my core muscles for this reason alone, but sometimes I'm paralyzed in pain for a few minutes at a time randomly during the day because of it.  I'm working to push through the pain, but there are still days where the idea of moving more than I have to, or standing at all, is a bit much.  But should I be working to push through it?  I don't know.  Since it seems to be more and more of a problem lately, I scheduled an appointment with my (new) doctor.  I am looking forward to meeting him, he's a runner general practitioner who also does chiropractic I'm hoping he's a good place to start (and hopefully end...) with this problem.  I have a feeling I'm going to be sent for another round of x-rays (since the last time they were done was when it happened), but I hope that's as far as it goes.  I don't want to hear any bad news with it (maybe that's why I've been putting this off??).

The other health issue I've got is colon cancer.  With my 30th birthday looming around the corner, I know it's time to start getting checked for that due to my mom's early on-set of it (thank god they found it when they did and were able to operate on it or else she wouldn't still be here...kudos to mom for being in tune with her body).  It's another thing that I'm not looking forward to but I know I have to do to be on  the safe side.

So what's the moral of this story?  Always pay attention to your body, listen to yourself.  When you need to take a break and let your body recover, either for sickness or injury, let it happen.  I know that when I burn the candle at both ends, it sets me up for a disaster.  We must take care of ourselves, whether it means being lazy or being proactive :-), know yourself and know your body, it will give you the signals you need to maintain health and wellness.

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