Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Keep on Trucking!

Ok, what do I want to talk about today?  Make it important to you!  I've realized that I have to make exercise and healthy eating and tracking part of my day.  It doesn't matter who's around, who's going to see me, who I have to postpone time with, but I have to do it.  It has to be a priority for me.

Example, last week my mom wanted to go out for dinner.  Usually because it was my mom, I would blow off my exercise plans to be with her, because she is my mom after all, instead I told her I had to do it after I got done at the gym.  And what happened?  Nothing different, my mom and I were still able to go out to dinner and a little shopping.  The world didn't end, my mom wasn't upset and I would have still gotten my workout in (if I didn't fall asleep on the couch, but that's a whole different story...).

Making your health is priority.  I get organic produce delivered to my house because I like knowing I have it to eat, it tastes better than the stuff you get in the grocery store, and it coming to my house means I have to eat it.  There are no excuses.  It costs more money, but you know what I did?  I stopped buying soda, extra chips/pretzels and other snack foods so the money could come out of my budget and not put a crunch on the finances.

There are many things to consider in today's world, men and women all have to deal with it.  The trick is to making you and your health a priority.  Speak up for yourself, ask for what you need from friends, family members, and significant others.  You are responsible for yourself, no one can do it for you and no one should have to.  If you need an hour to yourself to get some exercise in, tell somebody, schedule it in your planner/datebook/app.  If you take an hour of time for yourself now, imagine how many years you'll have in the future with your loved ones?

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