....Summer I mean. I know that a lot of people are upset that summer's over (not officially but close enough!) but in all honesty, I'm not. I love the change of pace that summer offers, things to do, people to see. But summer is not my favorite time of year, although it is the host to my favorite holiday (my birthday!!), it is hot, sticky, and my life is all outta whack. I worked a lot this summer, more than I care to admit to at a PT job that I'm hoping I never have to repeat again. The place I worked wasn't bad, the people weren't bad, just the nature of the retail beast. I don't like not having a set schedule, I don't like not being able to plan my week. There were times when I was working until 10p and then up again to start at 9a. Sometimes I didn't want to eat dinner until 10:30p, sometimes I had already had a full day by 7pm and was ready to call it quits for the day. So with the end of summer comes cool nights and back to normalcy. Sure I have to get up at 5:30a, but at least I have to get up at the same time everyday. It makes getting my exercise in easier, it makes getting my meals taken care of easier, it just makes life easier when I have a weekly routine to follow.
For the summer, I have a net loss of 2 pounds, not stellar in my books, 2 pounds for 2 months sucks. Yes, I look on the bright side, it's still down, but I barely worked out this summer, I didn't eat right, and I was just an all around terrible healthy person and I feel it. I'm looking forward to getting back in the swing of things with a fresh start of the new year. As the leaves start to turn and fall, running will be easier and gym time will be much more consistent.
Love for the new year, for a job that I adore, for a lifestyle that I want, and for the chance to have it all! Besides, if I'm going on a cruise next summer (or to Chincoteague) I need to be bathing suit ready, bring on fall my friends!